Confirmed, we have power the system as intended. Push button to switch between blind-spot or rear-view also installed.
What Happened
A few posts ago, we told of some issues we were having in terms of powering our system. Essentially, our initial solution didn't work as intended and we couldn't supply the Jetson nano with enough power - causing it to brown out. This has now been resolved.
Our Amazon packages all finally came in and a quick hook up to all our cameras + computer + external monitor shows it all working. The wiring is shown in the image above. This will, of course, be cleaned up in a nice housing but the main thing to see is that the screen is ON and the camera is RUNNING.
Our new solution provides the needed power to ensure everything is working smoothly and as intended.
In addition to this, we've also installed a push button to switch between the rear-view and blind-spot view cameras. At the moment, our only footage of this is the cameras recording a ceiling so look forward to an actual demo of this coming shortly :)
What's Next
Next is construction. It's time to put it all together.